Computers can ‘see’ people’s dreams

A computer can predict what you’re dreaming about based on brain wave activity, new research suggests.

By measuring people’s brain activity during waking moments, researchers were able to pick out the signatures of specific dream imagery (such as keys or a bed) while the dreamer was asleep…

One rat brain ‘talks’ to another using electronic link

Scientists have connected the brains of lab rats, allowing one to communicate directly to another via cables.

The wired brain implants allowed sensory and motor signals to be sent from one rat to another, creating the first ever brain-to-brain interface…

How neuroscientists are hacking into brain waves to open new frontiers

Neuroscientists are following through on the promise of artificially enhanced bodies by creating the ability to “feel” flashes of light in invisible wavelengths, or building an entire virtual body that can be controlled via brain waves.

Microsoft’s virtual ecosystem aims to simulate the entire world

Microsoft Research is embarking on a highly ambitious project: A computational model of an entire ecosystem, from the soil itself to the creatures that live on it…

Best and Worst Movie Posters 2012

A great movie poster should sell the movie and make you inscribe the film’s opening date in your mind. Admittedly, some of these posters, even the good ones, fail at that. Some are stunning but don’t even display the film’s title, and may not have brought in one extra ticket sale. That’s the studio marketing department’s problem, not ours. We’re voting just on style here, not substance…