George Clooney May Go Sideways With The Descendants

George Clooney is dipping his toe into the world of mildly amusing yet moving Fox Searchlight movies. You know the type, it’s the Little Miss Sunshine genre in which an eccentric group of characters undertakes some sort of journey, laughs are had and lessons are learned. Clooney’s version may come from Alexander Payne who, as the former director of Sideways, is no stranger to smile-worthy movies.

Perhaps only of interest because SIDEWAYS still generates buzz in this area.

Peter Jackson’s ‘District 9’ Crosses $200M; Sequel Only May Happen “At Some Point”

The alien apartheid film likely to snag one of the newly expanded 10 Best Picture Oscar nominations did it in worldwide box office this weekend — $115M domestic and $85M international so far (with China and Japan to come).

Who Wants to Buy the TERMINATOR Franchise?

After seeing “Terminator Salvation” and its disappointing gross of $125 million (according to Box Office Mojo, it cost $200 million to make)… …”Terminator” is one of the few major franchises not owned by one of the big studios, the rights will be auctioned off this week…

Paranormal Activity is User Generated Content!

One “truth” that you hear quoted over and over is that there is no way to make money from user generated content. Paramount, to its delight, is currently finding out that this “truth” is actually a lie.

The conclusions are questionable, but the facts are very interesting…

Netflix preparing for future with delayed rentals, more Internet streaming

After another quarter of stunning growth, Netflix is preparing for a future in which its business may look very different.

On the way out: rentals of new DVDs. On the way in: more Internet streaming across a variety of devices.

What these folks are missing is “high speed internet” doesn’t seem very high speed when you start downloading DVD’s.

District 9 director gets a blank check for his next one

Neill Blomkamp, the South African effects whiz turned director whose modestly budgeted District 9 was the big sleeper hit of last summer, has obtained financing with few strings attached for his next sci-fi project, which he’ll prep, produce and release in 2010.

Hollywood studios in midst of their own horror show

Hollywood’s biggest slasher story isn’t playing at any theater near you. It’s hitting the industry’s corporate suites, where the sacking of studio executives has reached epidemic level.

The end of the old business model…,0,702751.story