Mind Reading a Reality in Five Years, IBM Says

Within five years, IBM believes we’ll begin to see early applications of mind reading technology that up to now have been little more than science fiction fantasies. The geeks in blue are, at this very moment, researching ways to link your brain to electronic devices so, for example, you could simply think about calling someone on your smartphone and it would happen. And looking longer term, IBM believes brain control will take over manual typing…


MindScans Donates to SciTech

Alliance Digital Studios donated one of the sets from their current productions, MINDSCANS, to Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter School’s Scitechatorium. The popular science and technology hand-on exhibits are designed to teach and inspire children throughout California.

The “Sci-Tech” curator, Chick Fedel said, “it’s a wonderful addition that will spark even greater interest in one of our most popular exhibits.”