Coppola Comes Out Against 3D

Godfather director and filmmaking legend Francis Ford Coppola has become the latest Hollywood person of interest to come out against 3D. Cue the 3D defenders who will now dismiss him as an old fogey out of touch with the times while waving around that ridiculous (and invalid) comparison to color replacing black and white film. But Coppola was actually one of the pioneers of modern 3D…

Dimension looks to engage in its own ‘Paranormal Activity’

EXCLUSIVE: As negotiations between The Weinstein Co. and Disney continue to wear on over the Miramax slate and library, the New York-based film company is forging ahead with the business of developing and making movies…

Studios hit with homevideo slump

Domestic box office hit a record $10.6 billion in 2009 according to the MPAA and is on track to soar even higher this year. Worldwide box office hit $29.9 billion in 2009, up 7.6% over 2008.

The Blu-ray disc biz also boomed in the first quarter of 2010 vs. the same period last year, with sell-through up 74% and rentals up 36%, per trade org Digital Entertainment Group. Digital distribution, including download purchases and VOD, rose 27% to $617 million.

So why are the studios capping star salaries, laying off workers and squeezing suppliers?…